Most organizations in developed countries today depend on databases for their business operations. Increasingly, databases are not only used to support the internal oper
its fundamental characteristic of any dbms. It means to hide unnecessary data from the user, so that only required data is shown to user, there are three level of abstraction.
A dbms can use several kind of data structure as a part of physical system implementation. Each structure has its own importance. Following are some common data structure.
these are the languages, which are used for creating database,and to manipulate the database.
DBMS Facilities: Two main type of facilities are provided by a DBMS :
An Entity is a basic element of a system identified by a set of attributes and has independent existence e.g. a Student, a faculty, a subject etc. in a college. An Entity type defines a set of entitie
SPECIALIZATION: It is the process of identifying the subclass/es of an entity set which are special from other entities of this set in terms of attributes or relationships they . GENERALIZATION:
Data processing system is an automated system for processing data of an organization. The conventional data processing approach is to develop a program (or many programs) for each application. This re
A DBMS has evolved into a complex software system and its development typically requires thousands of person-years of development effort. Some general-purpose DBMSs such as Adabas, Oracle and DB2 have