1.     History

• Windows XP

         – Released 2001

         – Merged consumer and corporate codebases

         – 64-bit support

2.     Design Goals

Merge corporate and consumer codebases

    – Windows XP Professional and Windows XP Home Edition

    – Built on same codebase


     – Kerberos

     – Access control lists

    – Internet Connection Firewall


    – Symmetric multiprocessing

    – Windows XP 64-Bit Edition

    – Windows XP Embedded

• User-friendly

     – New GUI

    – More multimedia and network support

• Fast boot

    – 30 seconds after cold boot

    – 20 seconds from hibernation

    – 5 seconds from standby



System Architecture

System Architecture

Operating system design

      – Modified microkernel

     – Layered



        • Interacts with hardware, drives device components on mainboard

        • Abstracts hardware specifics that differ between systems of the same architecture

– Microkernel

       • Basic system mechanisms

       • Thread scheduling, interrupt dispatching, etc.

      • Abstracts hardware specifics that differ between architectures

– Device drivers

       • Control peripheral devices

– Executive

   • Administers the main operating system subsystems, such as the file system, I/O subsystem and system memory

   • Native API

– Environment subsystems

      • Provide a specific computing environment for user-mode processes.

       • Examples: Win32, SFU, WOW64

– DLLs

      • User-mode modules that processes can dynamically link

      • Environment subsystems’ APIs are DLLs

– System services

        • Like Linux daemons: processes that execute in the background at all times.

         • Examples: Task Manager, Computer Browser, etc.

3.     System Management Mechanisms

• Environment in which Windows XP’s components  execute.

      – How data is stored and retrieved (registry)

      – Objects

      – Interrupt priority

     – Software interrupts (APCs, DPCs)

     – System threads


• Central database that stores configuration data accessible to all processes

          – User data

          – System data

          – Hardware data

          – Application data

• Logical structure

         – Tree whose nodes are keys

                  • Subkeys and values

                  • Predefined keys (e.g., HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)

       – Using the registry

                  • Navigate the tree structure by going from keys to subkeys

                  • Accessing relevant values

• Windows XP administration of the registry

      – Configuration manager

       – Data stored in hives

Object Manager

• Objects in Windows XP

       – Represents a physical (e.g., peripheral device) or logical resource  (e.g., process)

       – Managed by the object manager

       – Represented by a data structure in memory

       – An instance of object type.

                   • Defines the object’s attributes

                   • Defines the object’s standard functions (e.g., open and close)

       – Examples: processes, threads, pipes, files, devices, etc.



• Handles and Pointers

      – Pointers

               • Only used by kernel-mode threads

      – Handles

               • Used by user-mode processes and kernel components

               • Like a pointer but allows the system control over what a thread can do to the object.

               • Can be duplicated and passed to other processes

• Object naming

     – Object can be named or unnamed

      – Named objects categorized in object manager’s namespace

• Deleting objects

         – No more handles: deleted from namespace (only kernel-mode threads can open a handle to an unnamed objects)

        – No more handles or pointers: deleted from memory

4.    System Threads:

Used by kernel-mode components that need to do

work not in response to a user request

        – Cache manager flushing dirty cache pages

       – Device driver that cannot accomplish all interrupt processing at an elevated IRQL (e.g., because it must access pageable data)

• Kernel threads

– Created by kernel-mode components

– Typically belong to the System process

– In general, behave the same as user-mode threads

Process and Thread Organization

Data structures that describe processes

     – EPROCESS block (used mainly by executive):

                  • Process ID, access token, handle table, etc.

                  • Contains a KPROCESS block

                  • Points to PEB

                  • Stored as a linked list

    – KPROCESS block (used mainly by microkernel):

                    • scheduling information

                    • synchronization information

    – Process environment block (PEB):

                   • Process information available to user threads

                   • DLLs linked to process, heap information, etc.

Data structures that describe threads

    – ETHREAD block (used mainly by executive)

                 • Process ID, pending I/O requests, thread’s start address, etc.

                 • Contains a KTHREAD block

                 • Points to the thread’s process’s EPROCESS block

   – KTHREAD block (used mainly by the microkernel)

                  • Scheduling priority, thread state, etc.

                  • Points to thread’s TEB

   – Thread environment block

                  • Thread information available to user threads

                 • Critical sections owned by thread, stack information, etc.

Memory Management

• Virtual memory manager (VMM)

           – Executive component responsible for managing memory

• Lazy allocation

           – Avoid allocating memory until necessary

• Prefetching

            – Move pages from disk to main memory before they are needed

• Pagefile

          – Stores pages that do not fit in main memory

           – Windows XP supports up to 16 pagefiles

Memory Organization

• Large pages

               – VMM treats several pages as one page

• Restrictions

                 – Pages must be consecutive in virtual and main memory

                  – Large pages allow read and write access

                  – Minimum size usually 2MB

                 – Size must be multiple of (platform specific) minimum

Page Replacement:

Working set

                – Pages a process currently has in main memory

• Balance set manager

                – Responsible for trimming working sets

• Localized Least Recently Used

              – Similar to LRU

              – Localized by process

File Systems:

• Three driver layers

              – Volume drivers

• Low level drivers

• Interact with data storage hardware devices

  – File system drivers

             • NTFS

             • FAT16 and FAT32

             • CDFS and UDF

– File system filter drivers

             • Perform high-level functions

             • Virus scanning

             • Encryption


5.     NTFS

Master File Table (MFT) entry for a sample file.


Input/Output Management:

Environment subsystems

• I/O manager

• Device drivers

• Plug and Play manager

             – Dynamically recognizes new devices

             – Allocates resources to devices: I/O ports, DMA channels

• Power manager

             – Determines each device’s and system’s power state

Interrupt Handling:

Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)

         – Associated with each device

         – Called by processor on an interrupt

• Returns false if device not interrupting

• Returns true and process interrupt otherwise

          – Must execute quickly to avoid masking other interrupts

          – Queues DPC for non-critical aspects

• Interrupt object

            – One per ISR

            – Stores: Interrupt DIRQL, ISR location, interrupt vector

• Interrupt dispatch table

              – Maps hardware interrupts to interrupt vectors

Local and Remote Procedure Calls:

Server Process

          – Executes procedures

• Client process

           – Calls procedures on the server process

• Local procedure call (LPC)

         – Client process and server process on same machine

         – Only kernel-mode threads may expose LPCs

• Remote procedure call (RPC)

         – Client process and server process on different machines

• Local remote procedure call (LRPC)

        – Client process and server process on same machine

       – Client process uses RPC protocol

• Synchronous or Asynchronous communication

• Stub

          – Maps between client process procedure calls and server process procedures

          – Marshals and unmarshals arguments

• Run-time library

             – Passes data across network

             – Any network protocol





• Encrypting File System

• Cookie management

• Control software execution

                – File hash provides extra protection

• Certificates

• Trusted Internet Zones

• Automatic Update

                 – Notifies users of security patches

                 – Can download and install patches automatically

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