- What is an operating system? Explain the salient features of various types of operating system by suitable examples from present day operating system.
- Explain the role of operating system with user and system viewpoints
- Explain the architecture of an operating system.
- What is system calls? Describe different types of system calls.
- Differentiate multiprogramming, multitasking and multiprocessing.
- Explain how system acts as a Resource Manager? Differentiate between Multiprogramming and multithreading.
- Explain various types of thread models with the help of example of operating system which implement them.
- Explain two sets of operating system services that are helpful to user as well as efficient operation of system.
- What is I/O Buffering? Why it is essential? Describe various types of I/O Buffering.
- Describe the states with the help of state diagram.
- Explain various fields of process control block.
- Explain the following terms
(i) Boot strap Loader
(ii) BIOS - What is the difference between a program and a process?
- Write short notes on:
Kernel level threads
- Differentiate: Hard real time and soft real time OS.
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